Monday, October 15, 2007

Lions are to good football as Global Warming is to...

I'm Brian A. Maloney and I approve this message.

Al Gore has just been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, an honor he shares with Yasser Arafat and Le Duc Tho. Gore has received a number of awards and honors from Europeans, who seem to wish to punish George Bush's policies by showering awards on his defeated opponent. (Gore would have been president had he carried his own state of Tennessee, but he couldn't manage it.)

Unfortunately for Europe, the United States has been independent now for more than two centuries. It's nice for Gore that he won the prize, but who now remembers Frank Billings Kellogg, who won the Nobel for co-authoring the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, which outlawed war? How's that pact working out?

Americans have happily been ignoring Europeans for quite a long time, except when they have dragged us into their various wars between awarding people peace prizes.

The Nobel Peace Prize Committee likely cares little about Al Gore's "moral and spiritual challenge to all of humanity" or his green cult or its pagan Earth-god. Gore's Nobel is just the latest evidence of the committee's use of surrogates like the ex-veep and Jimmy Carter (in 2002) and Mohamed ElBaradei (in 2005) to embarrass the United States - a state of mind that says more about European elites' insecurity in the modern age than anything else.

But as much material as the Gore Nobel feeds people of like political mindness like myself, the dimunition of the prize's seriousness is a tragedy.

The Nobel can have real power in shining a light into some of the world's darker corners.

In Burma, courageous monks are defying a brutal military dictatorship. In Iran, men and women die for their civil rights at the hands of religious despots. International chess star Garry Kasparov and others have been arrested resisting that country's slide back to authoritarian rule.

The Nobel could help elevate these causes to international attention. Instead, preening Nobel leftists throw their baubles at a rich ex-politician so that he can assuage his guilt of flying on gas-guzzling private airplanes to green fundraisers in sprawling Hollywood mansions.
Paid for by the committee to stop the FEARMONGERING!!


toby said...

I think Al Gore could have been president if it weren't for a varity of things, Brian. To say "if he had carried his own state, which he couldn't" is a cheep jab, and prejudice. Which, you have a right to, do - it's your blog.

I love conservatives...

BTW, I didn't vote for Al Gore, nor would I ever, probably - no matter which state I lived in!

Phil Lowe said...

I get your point...good stuff.
I love you too Toby =)

Brian said...

Your comment, Toby, proves my point.

All the other "variety of things" are possibilities and conspiracy theories and great fodder for the internet and the blow-hards as well as just one gigantic waste of time.

The predominanty non-"conservative" Supreme Court ended the debate....forever.

But, if Gore could have carried his home state, none of the other "variety of things" would even matter.

Gore isn't even the first guy to win the popular vote and lose the electoral.


watchman146 said...

If I came to you and claimed that the Great Lakes Piping Plover was endangered, would you immediately doubt me? Probably not. The fact is, it is endangered. Science can have authority, Brian. It's okay.

All the research I've seen says the earth is getting too warm. Why doubt that? It's true.

Phil Lowe said...

"All the research I've seen says the earth is getting too warm. Why doubt that? It's true."

All is a strong word, along with too...I know that evidence is out there, but if you look a little harder, cause' some people don't want it to be published, you can find mountains of evidence that goes against the standard 'Global Warming' line.

toby said...


Seriously, we know if Al Gore would have carried his home state he would have won.

But, you said it as a slam.

My point was, if any other state would have voted slightly different he may have one.


What is wrong with that? Nothing. It's spot right on. You just said what you said to slam him.

Compassionate Conservatism...or pop-shot politics?

Phil Lowe said...

I think the whole point of Brian pointing out he didn't carry his home state was this; It's a given that you carry your home state, and most of the time your running mate carries was a slam..but in the context of the post I think warrented.

Brian said...

I love the fact that everyone is throwing out the phrase "compassionate conservatism" right now, and they don't even know what it means.

Love it!!!

Especially when they use it to condemn you.....

