Friday, October 05, 2007

Bad Performance = More Money? Only in America

Every time somebody gets a government benefit, somebody else gets screwed.

The cost to expand child health care, for example, will fall disproportionally on the poor.

National health care? If passed, taxpayers will be dinged for a crummy system. We know it'll be crummy because the feds cannot even run Walter Reed Hospital as a decent health system for soldiers.

Yet Hillary and others want the feds to take on even more health responsibility.

In Michigan, lawmakers recently ordered residents to pay another $1.4 billion a year. And there's no cap on how much more they'll want next year, and the year after that.

Meanwhile, not a single spending reform has been passed. We've been duped and some folks are irked.

Government policy often and happily screws consumers.

Corn farmers, for example, are currently flush, thanks to federal subsidies and the booming corn ethanol market. Taxpayers pay subsidies no matter how rich corn farming has become. And government-induced high corn prices also translates to higher food prices.

Have a nice day.


Bill said...

Amen, Brian.

Mark said...

I don't understand why you care if poor people or anyone pays more for smokes Brian. Cigs are a luxury, used voluntarily, bad for your health, sometimes an irritant to non-smokers. It would be fine with me if they became priced out of reach for poor people just like $1000 a night hookers are(maybe the fed gov. should institute a $100 tax per use of those hookers-plus how bout taxing online porn-that would reap billions). People would be better off w/out them. It's a voluntary tax just like the lottery is. Using this argument gives conservatives a bad name.

Brian said...

But see, your taxing the poor to help the poor out?

Kind of bassackwards don't you think.

SCHIP ain't going anywhere with the veto. And all Bush did was veto the increase in spending on the program. He is for increasing the spending just NOT AS MUCH AS THE BILL WAS ASKING FOR.

IT'S PORK BARREL POLITICS, worse it's SOCIAL pork barrel.

I am really waking up to the fact that I am that dreaded of all 'L' words.


I want small government with less laws.