Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Where's the Conservative?

The GOP bandwagon rolls into Dearborn, MI for a debate today.

What the party needs out of this bunch is a fiscal conservative who'll get back to the principle of smaller, more efficient government.

Bush turned out to be an expansionist and, early on in his administration, for example, poured billions of federal dollars into a local issue, education.

It'll be Fred Thompson's debate debut, and he's overdue for showing some flash.

But, you gotta hand it to the GOP candidates. They showed up in Michigan while Dems pimped the state. Democratic presidential hopefuls blew off a September Fox Theater debate, backed by the Congressional Black Caucus Political Education and Leadership Institute. To paraphrase Kanye West, perhaps Democrats don't care about black people?

Plus, Dem candidates pimped Michigan by vowing not to campaign here. They didn't like the date of the state's presidential primary. You mean to tell me that the state with the worse economic windfall, most jobs loss, only rising unemployment rate, 80% blue collar work force, and cheer Big Blue every day aren't worth it over a date for a primary?!

I thought Howard Dean and the rest of the DNC were going to get their temper under control?

I think they realize what a tragedy it would be to have Granholm and Kwame standing to next them and doing the obligatory introductions when this state is in the worse economic windfall, most job loss, and only rising unemployment rate in the country.

But, regardless, the Republicans are here, the Dems are not and they won't be.


Phil Lowe said...

I'm done with Republicans...
It's a waste of time to vote for any of them, and its getting bad on the state level as well. The only Repubican candidates I like this year have NO chance of winning the primary...

I'm done with Republicans...
As you say, we need some fiscal CONSERVATIVES to shrink the government, but its never gonna happen...I think we're too far gone.

Brian said...


I completely share in your skeptisism.

It's getting harder and harder to even want to vote nowadays.