Thursday, October 18, 2007

In the basement.....

I'm Brian A. Maloney and I approve this message.

I'll be in the basement the next 24-36, maybe 48 hours (maybe over the whole weekend) pounding out another manifesto because I have a blog and feel it is important.

I'll be around sporadically offering comments (as always), but stay tuned for the post tomorrow (or maybe Saturday or even Monday) on Fearmongering.

I know, I know, your all on the edge of your seat waiting for it.

Trust me, it won't be much, I have a tendency to disappoint the more I talk something up, just ask Michele, I'm surprised we even have a kid.

Come on I had to say it!!!!!

So, the hammering, sawing, cussing, loud obnoxious noises you hear will be me in the basement trying to create something with my hands....

And keep commenting on all the blogs, just because I may not be there as much doesn't mean you can't continue bashing me and calling me uncompassionate and heartless and an idiot for being pro-Bible, pro-Church, pro-Bush, pro-Life, pro-Men, pro-My Wife, pro-beer, pro Conservative, pro-Libertarian, pro-Country Music pro-Do the Opposite and believing someone else's dogma over your dogma.


In the meantime, enjoy one of these oldie but goodies from back in the day (which was written almost a year to the day...and not sure I've changed any. Good? Bad?)

Paid for by the committee to tell you I'll be out of the blogosphere for a couple days but around enough to make some basic comments when I feel like and then proceed to piss you off, and rile you up, but by being out of the blogosphere for awhile I can avoid having to answer all your comments until such time that I can come up with real cool quips, comebacks, and logical thought to combat what you said.


gary said...

Dude, is that a pic of your real basement?! It's creepy, and I love it. It's like a wine cellar without the wine (which, btw, I read about in a previous post and it reminded me of your grandpa's homemade delicious wine -- you all have a real talent for making it).

I'm also liking the polical disclaimers on your posts, patiently awaiting this intense article about fearmongering. I'm already writing my rebuttle.

Brian said...

Sorry dude, not my basement. Wish it was though.

As for the wine, it brought me back to the time when me, you, and Corey went to my grandparents home and drank all his booze and I passed out and one of you puked right out the front door and I freaked out that my grandma was going to freak out.

Man, what good times!!!!

We, all got so stupid loopy.