Thursday, October 06, 2005

The toughest, most unrelenting question ever asked!

All this makes me wonder what God must have felt,
arriving on the scene just after the Fall, knowing all
He had made was ruined, and understanding at once
the sacrifice that would be required to win the hearts
of His Children from the grasp of their seducer. I see
Him in my mind walking the paths, calling to the couple,
meeting their eyes for the first time, and Adam and Eve
shaking in absolute terror, wondering what had happened,
confused at the broken promise of a snake, feeling at once
the trustworthiness of their first love and wondering if God
would ever love them again, feeling the hot breath of His
anger and emotion, hearing Him speak for the first time,
not as a friend, but as One who had been betrayed.

"Who told you that you were naked?"

-Donald Miller "Searching for God Knows What"


toby said...

Wow. Looks like I'll be buying yet another book...

Brian said...

I really enjoy Donald's writing style. Somewhat whimsical and flighty with lots of stories. But sometimes, most times, his reasoning and thinking is on par with mine.

His books are fairly priced, which makes it worth the chance.

Also check out, "Blue Like Jazz". I haven't finished "Searching for God Knows What." But so far, I think Blue Like Jazz is better (in that it did more for me).

Thanks for reading

gary said...

I keep hearing about this book and "Blue Like Jazz."

* sigh *

I'm gonna have to get them ASAP so I know what all the hype is about!