Saturday, November 26, 2005

A Radical Reformission through a Search of God Knows What

I have not written much in about a month now. Part of this reason (actually a big part) is I have been reading "Searching for God Knows What" by Donald Miller and "Radical Reformission: Reaching Out Without Selling Out" by Mark Driscoll. Both of these books have me re-evaluating myself and the way I go about doing things. Tie this in with the last 3 sermons by my pastor at my home church (Friendship Baptist Church) and what I use to thing was up is now down and east is now my west.

You see the last month has been mind-boggling to me in how this is all "seemingly coming together." As such, I have been reading my previous posts and realizing how "off" I really am. Not in terms of spiritual or political or social beliefs, but in my priorities and the reason I do some of the things I do. As I looked over many of my posts, I realize that I would like to rewrite almost all of them. Maybe not rewrite but rather edit them.

This is too hard to explain in words, but rather it is my wish that anyone would read the 2 books I mentioned above:

"Searching for God Knows What" by Donald Miller

"Radical Reformission: Reaching Out Without Selling Out" by Mark Driscoll

Click on both titles and you will be taken to the location for both books. I encourage everyone to buy these books or visit your local library and check them out (although I promise you, you'll wish you had bought them.)

Donald Miller is also the author of "Blue Like Jazz," another amazing book.

Mark Driscoll is pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. Go to their website (click here). There you can find hundreds of sermons and commentary for you to download to a windows media player and listen to while at home or on the job. You can also save them in mp3 format and enjoy them whenever you want. There is ALOT of good stuff at that website for you to listen to.

This may sound insane, but I would consider buying them for you as a "Christmas" gift if money is an issue. I truly belief these books could change your life as it did mine, or maybe it will re-affirm what you already know and have been living all along. I am serious.

As for my next post, I am not sure what it will be on. I may re-do a previous one or continue on my train of thought I have had recently. But things look a whole lot to different to me now than they did a little over a month ago. My motivation and outlook on life has definitely taken a change, for the better.

Until next time, God Bless


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Bible says so... (Pt.2)

I feel the need to further explain my last post. Maybe not needed, but I feel it is. Many times, in my haste of writing, I leave out complete thoughts I had or after taking a day or two and coming back to it, I see a self-perceived shortcoming.

This happens alot with me, but this subject, I felt, requires more explanation.

I truly believe that the Bible is the divine, inspired, exact word of God. No exceptions anywhere. Further, I do believe the 66 books in the current Bible is exactly the whole Bible. Nothing more, nothing less. Findings such as The Apocrypha, Dead Sea Scrolls, maybe even the Gnostic Gospels by not being included does not mean they aren't good reads and provide more insight and spur thought. However, so is C.S. Lewis and none of his writings appear in the Bible. This is how I view such items as The Apocrypha, Dead Sea Scrolls, etc.

This leads itself further that to qoute these sources in the same context as a Bible is incorrect.

But back to the divine inspiration of the Bible, nothing trumps it. The problem exists in the secular world. If I have a conversation with my wife or one of my close friends, we can qoute the Bible all night long and not think twice about its authenticity. But nonbelievers do not believe in this. Many will and do write you off as uneducated and almost idiotic. This is very sad but true. The claim I am making is that you need to be able to do more than this. Nothing should ever stop you from telling the story of Creation as it is written in the Bible, but the unfortunate and very sad truth is that you may have to do more than this when you are epxlaining something to an unbeliever.

Finally, this leads me to something I failed miserably at with the first post. The focus of a Christian is leading someone to Jesus. Not arguing for Jesus. The Gospel is "The Good News" and this should be our focus. But this doesn't mean discussions do not happen with unbelievers. Even Paul "disputed in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met him." But if you read further (the whole 'MarsHill' story is in Acts 17:16-34) you'll see that Paul did not pass on the chance to share the gospel with these people. Matter of fact, it is the last thing he says.

This should always be our focus. I am guilty myself of going to the coffee shop and "talking theology" with my unbeliever friends. I feel a sense of accomplishment about it, like I am speaking out for God and defending his word. That is noble and all, but Jesus' last command to us was to go to all nations and preach the gospel.

I hope this answered many questions and helped but into perspective where my first post failed. As always I anticpate all comments and questions on all my writings here.

Until next time


Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Bible says so....

Editor's Note:

I am really going to tread lightly here or at
least attempt to. Additionally, any feedback,
advice, etc.will be appreciated on this subject.
This thought has been in me for a very long
time and I have internalized it to myself and
pretty much lived it for a long time now. It is
just that I have had a really hard time putting
this specific thought into sensible, understandable
speak without coming off as a heretic.
So without further adieu.....


I think the expression, "Because the Bible says so" (or any expression similar) is a very haphazzard response and is an expression that should be struck from most conversations. Maybe not in the midst of other Christians or Bible-believers, but definitely in your day-to-day dealings with the secular world.

Now obviously, the Bible does say Jesus was born and died and rose again and is the only source of salvation. And I am not really talking about the core doctrines of salvation, redemtpion, faith, and grace. I am talking about the peripherals or the extras if you will. Which, if we were all honest, is what most people get hung up on and use as excuses to not become Christian, or attend church, or whatever. These core doctrines can really only be explained by walking someone through the Bible and showing them the written word and having dialogue with them. Honest, open dialogue.

But when it comes to the extras, I think we as Christians fall into a trance like answer of what I wrote earlier:

"It's in the Bible" or "The Bible says so..."

I believe, that we as Christians, have an obligation to study and ponder these things and formulate thoughts and ideas around them. When we relay these arguements to others, we take our Biblical knowledge, apply our thought and lay it out before them and ourselves.

For instance, the Creation vs. Theory of Evolution arguement. I have been qouted before as saying, "I can see why someone would believe in the theory, but I cannot understand why they would believe." Why can I not understand it, not just that the Bible says God created "The heavens and the earth." (which is all I need), but because when I consider how exact everything is. The exact axis of the earth, the exact construction of an atom and DNA, the exact temperature of the body, the exact anatomy of the human body, the exact construction of an eye, etc., etc. these cannot just happen. Take into account probability rules and statistics and the idea that this all happen in exact fashion over time is unfathomable.

If everything came together all at once at the perfect time, why hasn't it happen again? Which really means you are asking:

Why is there just one "human" species on this earth? Or maybe the universe? Many Evolutionist or non-believers would state matter of factly, right back at you something along the lines of:

"How do you know there aren't aliens?" Or, "There are aliens"

For those that believe in extra terrestials, you have to compound and multiply this probability (which really means the probability it happened a second time is so miniscule, I doubt they have enough 0's to follow the decimal point to even write it down) that it happen all over again for these "beings" too. If one class of species was created through evolution, then all have been. You can't have one class evolving from single cells and the other just showing up on the scene without a Supreme Being of some sort having something to do with the fact that the second group just showed up. And why would this Supreme Being create one and not the other? Isn't the "being" not being "Supreme" by allowing this massive coincidence of events to take place?

As you can see, your thought on this can go on and on. This formulation of thought can go a long way in explaining yourself to a non-believer. I am not advocating nor saying you disregard the Bible entirely or never qoute it. The hard truth is that many people today will automatically tune you out if you start spouting off Bible verses and cannot carry yourself in a normal conversation or "discussion." This is very sad indeed, but none the less, the way it is.

Christians carry a double burden of not only being educated and deep rooted in the Bible, but also in secular science. Meaning, you cannot just respond to someone's question on Creation (or anything similar) by qouting the Bible and expect to get somewhere and get your message across to someone who doesn't believe the Bible. You do not have to have a Phd or a high IQ score or even a college degree. You just have to have some understanding of the elements around you. Take the time to think things through.

Once you've done this and gained respect and got the other party to think these things through themselves, you have opened a door and this is where scripture can walk through and have an effect.

Maybe this is unique to me and my situation, but I find most people take the opposite of "religious thought" because they just do. They've had public education and MTV and NPR and the Dan Brown's of the world help form and shape their thought and beliefs. They've accepted what they have seen and heard as truth and just put all "Bible qouters" as religious fanatics who are uneducated and close minded compared to them and stand behind some archaic book as truth. "Pfft, they do not even consider modern thought."

When I stop and have conversation with them in a civilized, open-forum kind of way, they begin to realize I am not off kilter and there is thought and explanation behind my beliefs. I have taken the time to develop my core values and beliefs. In this day and age, it goes a long, long, long way.


As I said earier, I had a difficult time getting this thought out and "on paper" if you will. Your thoughts, comments, and questions are greatly appreciated.