Friday, July 11, 2008

On Vacation

Vacation time
In Traverse City (well actually Leland) until sometime next week. Beaches, vineyards, lighthouses, sand dunes, friends (2 other families splitting the house with us for the week) and the whole family....get me there NOW!!!

The plan is to be back in Detroit on Saturday the 19th, but maybe not. We'll see, we may stay an extra day or two.

I hope to catch up here (Darwinmania and This happens to me a lot are still gong strong, in case everyone last track and any of the What Say Yous are always wide open for everyone) and on everyone else's blog with comments, etc when we get back. Although, based on the last 2 or 3 weeks, hasn't been all. Maybe everyone is on vacation.
Anyway, see y'all on the flip side and keep the faith!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

This happens alot to me....

Maybe all the time actually.

I can't figure out why some things become such a huge deal before legitmacy is proved.

Maybe I am missing something. And I know my bias comes out in these types of things, but nothing has appeared with these types of news stories to make me regret showing bias. Actually, there's been nothing, ever, at all to make me re-think my bias in these situations. That, as the media purports will happen, has my faith been shaken and rocked to its core. Everytime these things prove to be fakes, frauds, or were completely misinterpretted.

James Ossuary (Or "Loss Tomb of Jesus)? - Fake
Gospel of Judas? - Grossly embrassing for National Geographic
Tomb of Jesus? - That was the same thing as the James Ossuary, and yet, it made it's way back to the forefront under a different name and had the backing of "famous" people like James Tabor and James Cameron. Books, TV shows, etc., etc., etc. Big oops on that one

So why keep going?

So, why is Dan Brown-esque hysteria allowed to happen?

So, what am I missing with the newest discovery that, get this, goes from having no evidence at all to almost no evidence at all that Messianic resurection was an option.

There are elements in the Jesus story -- and in other stories in the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) -- that have analogues in other traditions. If this new discovery proves to be exactly what some think it is, so what? How does that falsify the resurrection of Jesus? It certainly makes it easier to believe that the Jesus cultists, so to speak, made it all up. But couldn't you say the same thing about the messianic prophecies in the Hebrew Bible -- that Jesus's followers, knowing about the prophecies as part of the Jewish tradition, adapted the story of their Lord's life and death and resurrection to fit those prophecies? I mean, if you're determined to disbelieve, there are plenty of reasons to disbelieve. And if,like me, you're determined to believe, material evidence doesn't much matter, does it? Especially when that material evidence continues to fall short time and time again.

My reaction to this latest news is, "Ho hum." But maybe I fail to grasp its true significance. What say you?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

What Say You (07.02.08)

Let's get right to it:

"Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small it is. Concentrate
on the fact that you are willing to learn. Absolute miracles will happen" -
Louise L. Hay

Anyone want to take a stab at this one? Is someone overusing the word "miracle" again? I mean, don't we hear this "miracle" word thrown around everyday?

"I got an A on my test."

"I got a new job after getting railroaded out of my old one."

"The surgery was a success and the cyst is gone."

"The cop didn't pull me over."

"The tornado hit every house on the block but ours."

"Wow, I have a hot wife!"

We all have our own personal stories or have heard stories where miracle is thrown around like a..... (rhymes with....too-bit-bore).

ANYWAY, what of the idea of taking baby steps toward accomplishing something?

And, what if I were to share with you this link, the wikipedia entry of the source of the quote, after reading (skimming) the link, does your attitude or response change at all?

When leaving your comments, try and leave them in 2 steps. Your initital reaction and then your reaction after reading her life story and what she truly means behind this quote. Maybe it'd change maybe it wouldn't, but I'd be interested none the less.

If I can muster any comments on this blog, it'd be a miracle.