Friday, August 31, 2007

Things That Crack Me Up

Heading into the Labor Day weekend, I started thinking about some things and was wondering why some things are the way they are. And then I started thinking about the fact that many of these things just crack me up.

So, Things That Crack Me Up.....

The fact that we park on driveways and drive on parkways. Drive and Park are 2 totally different things!

Being Anti-Death Penalty and Pro-Choice. Isn't there a vastly huge fundamental difference between the 2?

Being a vegetarian but eating animal crackers. At least when I have a steak I am not biting the heads off, they're already chopped off and gone!!

Being Anti-Patriot Act but Pro-Gun Control. "My rights are being infringed, My rights are being infringed! Take away all the guns, take away all the guns!"

The Office. "QUESTION?! What is the funniest show on TV? FACT?! The Office"

Protestors that only protest in nice, warm weather. Nothing shows conviction and dedication more than being a fair weather fan.

Saturday Night Live. Yes the pickings of been slim, but they still do awesome parodies of pop culture.

Rules to blogging. I've already ranted on that here. But it has got to be one of the stupidest things I've heard of.

Watching Sports Bloopers. True poetic justice.

Being Anti-Church but Pro-Jesus. Didn't he command to go make disciples of all peoples? So where are the disciples to go from there? Oh that's right, he also said, "Upon this rock, I will build my church." Whew...clears that all up.

Deal or No Deal. Those people are idiots who get lucky. But I cannot stop looking at their train wreck. I love it when they turn down $90,000 and $125,000 and then have to take $1,000 because they chose their "lucky" number and it was disasterous. HAHA

Being Anti-Racist and listening to rap music. A huge, very huge double standard.

People who discredit country music, but you better listen to their crappy indy rock crap because it is true emotion and not selling out, even though all commercially liscensed art is selling out and these crappy artists are crappy narcissists wallowing in their own crap. ("But I resonate it with it!!". yeah and I resonate with the Redneck Yacht Club and I really resonate with Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy).

The fact you can be born with genes that make you prone to alochol and drugs and can decide to not want to be an alcoholic or drug addict, but if you are born with the genes that make you prone to had no choice, you were born that way.

*Editor's note - The views expressed above do not necessarily reflect those of My Perception, it's authors, it's editors, or any of it's sponsors.


gary said...

If someone is anti-death penalty and pro-choice, maybe it isn't really a contradiction. *what if* life doesn't begin when you think it does. Conflict resolved.

I totally agree with you on the animal crackers. I wish they'd fill those things up with bloody red jelly so when little kids bite off the monkey head the run away screaming. After all, this would very much represent the "actuality" of eating animals. I think all crackers should be square -- and without graven images.

People who are anti-patriot act and pro-gun control simply think the laws is what grants them their rights. Funny thing is no law grants anything. Laws prohibit.

Screw blogging rules. I'm with you on that one, but I can certainly see how people would think if I'm not posting, I'm not reading either -- but with RSS, I read everyone's blog every day.

As to anti-church/pro-jesus. What if jesus didn't command? What if the fallible, creative church wrote the bible and called it God's words? I'm not saying I believe that, but what if?! Would it be possible to be anti-church and pro-jesus if you saw Jesus in a more historic light (as opposed to a KJV light?)

I think the homosexual community would think your views of homosexuality as very close-minded. The main thing they would see in your statement is that you imply and associate alochol, drugs, and sexuality all as common destructive things. What if you said, the fact that you can be born with genes that make you prone to becoming an artist and can decided to not want to be an artist -- but if you are born with gay genes you had no choice... then your argument suddenly falls apart. The reason is that the artist's genes are still artistic even if his or her focus is on engineering space shuttles. Don't define a person by their sexual orientation -- and furthermore -- why do you care so much if someone is gay?

whatdaya think of them apples?!

Brian said...

I'll go paragraph by paragraph:

1 - what if

2 - I'd prefer some chunks to represent brains, that'd be cool

3 - I agree

4 - I agree

5 - What if

6 - I like apples, but it depends. See I was born with the gene that likes Granny Smith only. Not with the gene that likes Red Delicious. Crazy I know. But I still choose to eat Red Delicious when presented with one by a close friend.

So there you ago

How do you like them oranges?!