Friday, August 24, 2007

Do Global Alarmist Cheer for Big Storms?

It didn't take long for the global warming alarmists to twist Hurricane Dean into their propaganda machine.

"The big picture is that global warming is putting hurricanes on steroids," writes Amanda Staudt, a climate scientist for the National Wildlife Federation. She goes on to warn the faithful that, as the oceans continue to warm in the decades ahead" (bold added) the storms will continue to get stronger than ever.

Any devestation and death incurred from natrural disaster is tragic not to be taken lightly.

But the alarmists predicted massive and numerous storms last year that never materialized and they blamed Katrina's destruction on climate change too (never mind the levee problems and people living below sea level). Hurricane Dean was a Category 5 storm off the Gulf Coast and slowed to a Category 1. It could have kicked back up, but scientists say it won't reach the intensity it had over the open waters.

Of course that's not important to those whose crusade is absolute. We'll wait to see what the next cause-and-effect relationship will be and there will be one, for sure.

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