Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Out of Thin Air - Sheer Genius

Click on the link below to watch a video from the newscast of Fox2 news here in Detroit. It's just a 3 minute or so video but it is pretty educational and kind of cool.

Click here to see it. I cannot find just the text form of this for you to read, so sorry that you have watch the video. But go do it and then come back here, or be like most people, ignore that, continue reading this post and then go watch the video if you want to after you read what I have to say.

Now this is pure genius. To quote the video, "amazing technology that is the wave of the future."

Electricity right out of the thin air, the most primitive of elements. Powering all the electricty your home could need.

But did you cacth that price:

$13,000 bucks. That's a lot. But it does pay for itself over time. It can lower your electric bill by 30% - 70% a month!!!

So an initial investment for long-term savings into the future.

Pretty basic, every month I'm saving money. I'm being more "green". I'm cutting edge and I'm a total idiot.

Do you realize how long it'll take to pay that thing off?

Most of us would probably have to finance a purchase like that. Which means interest and thus paying more than $13,000 for it. But it will save us 30% - 70% off our monthly electric bill.

Consider the following printout:

Are you serious! It would take over 22 years for someone with a $70/month electric bill to make back the $13,000! And that's assuming they get the maximum optimization out of the thing.

22 years?

22 years!?

22 YEARS!!!!

I'll be in my 50s, could be a great grandpa, could be looking at the 5th President since W and probably not living in the same home on the same half acre of land (half acres of land are readily available to all of us as it is, right) I would install it in.

This is the kind of crap that cracks me up about these environmental people. The sheer cost of a movement like this is absurd. You're going to pay $13,000 so that in 22 years you can say you start saving money and helped eliminate 0.000000000001% of a coal plants energy production?


Also, this family, living in Monroe, MI gets their power from the Nuclear Powerplant located in South Michigan (Fermi). Not even from a coal factory. People in the big cities, where most of the supposed "death to the planet" is taking place couldn't even get one of these anyways. That's where the impact should be made if one needs to be made.

However, I am sure people will champion this cause and spread their fearmongering ways about the death of of our planet and expect us all to be drones and dish out $13,000 bucks for a high-tech windmill rather than feeding the poor or giving money to the my daughter so she can attend college and get her, for real, MRS. degree. Do not forget, they'll also bring the vehemence of the Crusaders when you start to poo-poo their ideology.

Wake me and waste my time when you've got something economical and hits home and addresses the real needs of the planet. Not a windmill for a farmhouse out in the country.


gary said...

What if electricity prices skyrocket like gas prices? What if your monthly electic bill is $1000?

watchman146 said...

My daughter won't be getting an MRS degree. I'm going medieval. I'm going to choose her husband now.


Brian said...

Gary - do you think if that happens a windmill will still "only" be $13,000?

Corey - So you're having a daughter?

gary said...

Buy one now.