Friday, August 03, 2007

Pandora, Paperbacks, and......sorry no 3rd "P"

Just a posting on a couple websites and links I really like and want to share with y'all.

I know this link made its way through some of our blogs a couple months ago, but none the less, I really, Really, REALLY like this site. Pandora radio - Music from the Radio Genome Project is a website I "hit" everyday while at work.

You start by entering a band or song you like and the website begins to play music that matches elements of that entry. You then rate the songs whether you like or do not like and the program continues to play music to match your liking. It takes awhile to get started as many of the songs in the beginning you may not like, but the more you rank the better it becomes. I registered for the "free" site and it is great. And I like the rating because it is I like it or I do not like it, no middle ground. And if you do not like it, the song quits playing!.

Another great element is that you can create multiple "radio stations" and then mix them together. A radio station is created by the song or artist you enter. So you can listen to just your "Miles Davis" station or just your "Pearl Jam" station or you can mix them together and hear multiple songs from both genres. The site is really worth you checking out if you haven't already or go back to it or keep at it. This site got better the more I ranked songs. One more great feature is that a song will repeat itself on your station once and awhile. If you get sick of it, you can tell the site so and it won't play that song for a month!

Another great website, especially for those of us with either huge libraries or really like to read is You can get books for free. You start by registering and providing 9 books you do not mind parting with. After doing so, you immediately get 3 "credits" Using those credits you can order books for free from other members! Everytime someone gets a book from you, you earn a credit. So you got to want to part with some of your good books. Or get lucky and hope some of your not so good books are wanted by others. You pay for nothing except the postage (when you are the sender) to send the book. When someone orders one of your books, the website even provides the printouts and address labels for you to printout and attach to the packaging.

The downside is that getting newer books isn't very likely. But it does happen sometimes. For instance, you can set up wishlists for books you'd like (which I think is one of the best features of the site). A waiting line is then established based upon who added the book first. What happens is that if you are first on the list, and someone posts it for you to order, you are made aware of the listing first through email. You then have 48 hours to respond, if you say yes, you get it, if you say no, it goes to the person next in line. So for insatnce, I just ordered my copy of Slip and Fall by Nick Santora (which was published in June 2007) this morning, but I have heard nothing about Sex God by Rob Bell (which was published in March of 2007). I was first in line for Slip and Fall, but I am currently 40th in line for Sex God. Some "lines" move fast and others move slow. I'll probably eventually have to buy Sex God if I want to read it. But having saved $25 on Slip and Fall (which I will read and then re-post on the site and earn another credit for another book) I could buy Sex God, and still save money. Most everything is done by the ISBN number for each book. That's what makes this legal. The book has already been paid for, the author got their royalties and you are just trading the book away. Everything is legal about the book switching hands.

If you sign up, let me know, please, if you reference me, I get a free credit!!

Sorry couldn't find a 3rd link that begins with the letter "P"

Do anyone of you?

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1 comment:

watchman146 said...

I know one - urine.