Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Perception: My bad habit

I have a horrible habit of hating what I write. I feel like I do a horrible job transposing my thoughts onto paper or through my fingers onto the keyboard. I can talk to you all day and get my thoughts out, but ask me to write or type them out, yeah right.

My brain races faster than my hand can write or my fingers type and the once great fleeting thought or idea I had is escaped.

It is why public speaking or standing in front any group of people and talking is not a problem for me. I can talk fast, almost faster than I think, which is why I say lots of things I regret but have never written anything I regretted. I may regret how the writing comes out but not that I actually wrote it. Make sense?

This is also why I spend way more time at other people's blogs commenting and posing more questions. This is my 101st post I believe since I started this blog, I would dare say my comments are double that.

It is just one of the bad habits I have. It was also one of the reasons I started this whole blog in the first place. I have improved enough to at least write over 100 entries (which is more voluntary writings than I have done probably in my whole life combined).

I enjoy discussing and conversing, I comment to continue the dialogue with the author's. Sometimes I disagree sometimes I agree, that isn't what is important to me. It is the dialogue that is.

So, I'll keep chugging along at this and posting every 4-6 days, sometimes more frequent as my thoughts lead me. Hopefully one day, I'll write something that blows me away, and it will "click" with me, and I will be on my way.


gary said...

I often hate what I write too. It's because if I say something out loud, time will cause people (and myself) to forget it.

If I write it in a blog, I can go back to the context forever. Time can not destroy what I meant -- even if it was a mistake -- even if it was bad at the time.

What you and I need to realize, Brian, is that we change. What we thought yesterday may become different today.

Our personalities force us to hold to that which we have said in the past, even if in reality we don't hold to them anymore. We think what we write is what we are, and that's not always the case.

I totally agree with you here. You and I like dialogue. We like to start things... and that's always a good thing, my friend.

Brian said...

Thanks G.

I am also really bad at playing the whole "devil's advocate" thing.

I'll say something in disagreement on purpose just to keep a conversation going or to test someone on how strong they really feel something.

It is hard to that on a blog when you have to come up with some original thought.

gary said...

I hear ya. Sorry for deleting the comments. I couldn't deal with the "I love child molesters because..." even though it was sarcasm at it's strongest. I felt the expression was inappropriate.

That's why I removed it.