Friday, September 22, 2006

My first repost...Awesome!!!!

About a year ago this time, I published this post right here on this blog:

"On the banks of the Red River..."

Well, tomorrow is the Notre Dame/MSU game up in East Lansing and we are going to caravan up there tomorrow morning and Sparty On. Only difference we are departing 10am and not 5am like last year, no tailgating can start until noon....that is a huge bonus.


I felt I should communicate the message I sent then and take inventory of where I am now.

I know I have progressed some in my witness at my job, but not where I want to be. Yet, my "fervor" for Spartan athletics has not diminshed as I have had fun all day at work talking "trash."

Anyway, read the old post and maybe take inventory as well. Someone once said "reminsce sometime."

Oh yeah, my prediction this week.

MSU - 40
Notre Dame - 20

seems like I have done this before....

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