Monday, May 01, 2006


This whole "Day Without Immigrants" thing going down today across America is such a gross slap in the face to America. Free speech and free press is what it is, and thus, they have every right to do this.

But seriously, a massive amount of people gathering all over the country to advocate illegal activity! Who are here illegally!! Protesting and demonstrating "for their rights!" Come on. Purposely going around to shut down commerce, industry, and agriculture in the US. All to try and show business and America that we cannot survive without them? Malicious intent all the way.

How does this do anything for them? Marching in the streets thus shutting down the roadways. Waving another country's flags here in America is suppose to tell people that you want America to give you rights and not find you a felon?

If American's went into any other country, organized something 1/4 this size and did the same, can you imagine the outcry and pure hatred for America that would materialize more than there already is?

One good thing to come out of today, is that the police and Feds know where all the people are that are here illegally and can do something about it. They also know which business and corporations are illegally hiring these individuals and can bust these companies for doing something so stupid.

I am not advocating a huge wall be built. I am not advocating shutting the borders down altogether. My grandparents were immigrants. But they did not show up under the cover of darkness in hiding illegally. They came here legally, were processed through customs and went about doing and paying what was required to become an American citizen.

Being the melting pot of America does not mean we let anyone and everyone show up here whenever they want illegally and then let them do whatever they want while they are here. Bring us your huddled masses everyday all the time. But do it legally. Do it the right way.

I am really fired up about this. Call this my rant if you will. But, I have no rave here.

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