Sunday, May 07, 2006

God - The Ultimate Party Thrower

I never noticed it this way before. I've heard the story over and over and read it over and over. Heard it preached many times. But I never put it all together or realized the party animal that God is. I always heard how no matter how far away we got, when we return God takes us back 100% restored.

Read the Prodigal Son story again. Read the 2 stories before that one too. Lots of rejoicing and party throwing going on. What is causing these rock outs? What is causing a feast complete with blaring music and a whole bunch of dancing? Why is the example of God in this story throwing a party?

A sinner has been found that was once lost. This is the business God is in. This is what gets God and the angles and the heavenly host buzzing and ready to celebrate. This is a party we should be willing to facilitate and make sure happens.

But this is not the part that was the focus of the many teachings and sermons I heard on this story. The focus was always on the prodigal and was followed by a plea to either 1) - do not follow down that path or 2) - if you have fallen away return now to God. He'll even meet you on the way back. Never seemed to be a focus on the party that dad threw when his son returned.

Additionally, there was some focus to the oldest son and his negative attitude but never on the why of his actions. We all know of his complaining and arguing with his dad over the party. We know he was dutiful and spent his life doing his father's work. We do find out that his reward for that faithful service is everything. But why didn't he go out and find or help his lost brother? Why did he stay out in the fields working even as the rumors and reports of his brothers carousing and dirty deeds came into the home?

We could come up with all kinds of reasons why and even imagine him out in the fields talking under his breath and griping about his "young immature" brother. He had to stay on task. He was going to prove himself and work all day for his dad every day. He was the oldest and more mature one. He had responsibility and accountability. There is work to be done and darn it, I'll make sure it gets done.

But he missed something. He missed what would bring his Father complete joy. Getting that brother back home and in the fold. How could he miss it? By that much? He thought he knew what he had to do. Just like we do.

But God is into souls and bringing people to him and back to him. God is into celebrations and parties for the return of lost children. God is into ragamuffins and the people in the margins.

Want to have a party and guarantee God's attendance? Want a bash of universal epic proportons? Go save a soul, go bring someone back from the margins, and go give life to a band of ragamuffins.

After all they are the best people to have at a party.

1 comment:

watchman146 said...

I dig parties, too.