Friday, May 26, 2006

Devil's Advocate

Way, way back in the day. Like back in the 1600s some dude named Sir Isaac Newton discovered the laws of gravity. Now, 400 years later, we take this concept of "gravity" for granted. We learn about it from the first couple years of science class. The term "gravity' and the word "gravity" are apart of our lexicon and language almost second hand now. But when Newton introduced those laws to the scientific world, it revolutionized the field and study of astronomy and science. It blew people and the Royal Society away. Everyone knew that "what goes up must come down," but couldn't explain it or had not labeld it yet. But if it weren't for Edmund Halley (yes the every 75-years comet guy) few people are likely to have learned about Newton's idea.

Halley was a sounding board for Newton's ideas, he challenged Newton's assumptions, he corrected Newton's mathematical calculations, and he would even write up and draft geometric diagrams to support Newton's work. At first Newton was very hesitant to publish his work, but Halley prodded him. Even during the drafting stage, Halley was questioning Newton further and continued his studies and experiements to challenge Newton.

Ultimately, Halley solidfied Newton's work, he galvanized what Newton got correct and allowed the correct changes to be made where Newton was missing the mark. Halley, not only did all that but he edited the manuscript, supervised its publication, and even financed the printing (remember this is the 1600s).

The final work, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, made Newton one of the most highly regarded thinkers in history.

Historians differ as to Halley's true motives to why he did what he did and what level of friendship Newton and Halley had. Many agree that competition was not what drove Halley to draw such a hard line with Newton as he worked through all this. So what was it then?

Since even the professionals are not sure, neither am I, but what it sounds like to me is Halley was playing "Devil's Advocate."

I play that role almost to a fault way too many times. I challenge a lot of people when they make a statement or claim. Not sure why I do it. Maybe I am too skeptical. Maybe I give them no credit. Maybe I like confrontation. Maybe I like to argue for the same of arguing. Maybe I like to come off smart. Maybe I want them to truly believe what they say. Maybe I want to help them think of all the angles. Maybe I am challenging myself to learn something new. It could be for any myriad of reasons. I am not entirely sure why I am this way. But I am. I know I do not do it to discourage anyone. I never want anyone to lose heart or doubt themselves and their ability, but watch them grow and really know and understand what they are saying.

And honestly, I have no plans of changing this "habit" of mine. I have gotten a lot better at recognizing when it would be the wrong time to employ this trait or when I have crossed the line and discouarged someone and I have to work real hard to fix and correct that. But overall, I am just this way.
  • I challenge
  • I ask
  • I confirm
  • I question
  • I poke
  • I prod
  • I soldify
  • I doubt
  • I confront
  • I think

I thank God he made me this way.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Gittin' Hitched

Over the weekend my little brother Jacob tied the knot with one of Michele's best friends (they actually at our wedding, the rest is such I was Best Man and Michele was the Matron of Honor). Here are some pics from just an absolute awesome weekend.

Here is the whole crew (notice the HOT chick in front of me)

Here are the 4 of us

Some fun on the "party limo bus"

One last shot of Jake and his lovely bride: HOPE YOU GUYS ARE ENJOYING CANCUN!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Finally - They have arrived

A couple months ago a couple blogs I frequent on an almost daily basis were offering a free book giveaway if you were "one of the first xxxx amount of people to "email here" and asked. These blogs are located to the right under "Blogs I Frequent." Mark Driscoll at The Resurgence and Scot McKnight at Jesus Creed

Part of the special promotion was to receive the book and then write up a review on Amazon or blog it here. I'll probably blog them here on a somewhat regular basis.

I look forward to Driscoll's book for the comedy factor and maybe get some insight into how to deal with some specific situations in regards to the church and with non Christians who are really hard to get to and talk with them. In my career path I work with a lot of "educated" people who just do not get any of the "Bible stuff" and being "saved." I am not banking on the book answering all my questions but allow for some insight. Afterall, Driscoll is pastor to one of the fasting growing churches (Mars Hill Church Seattle) in the one of the least churched cities in all of America (Seattle, WA). I have read Driscoll's previous work and I also listen to a lot of his sermons and he is very engaging and has a lot of material and stories at his disposal. Plus he preaches in blue jeans and an untucked shirt...makes him cool.

McKnight's book is dealing with prayer and specifically regular routine prayer much like the Catholics are famous for. Reciting the same prayer daily in a normal routine time. Also with focus on litugical prayer books offering specific prayers for you to qoute based on situation or time of year (Lent, Easter, Summer time, etc.). Having grown-up Catholic I get that part and understand it, but there was a period of time where I was down on "rehearsed" prayer and felt it was "not real." Now I do not believe that as much. If the person is honest and sincere during that time then so is the prayer. So this book will be something different for me to read and solidfy some of the recent belief "shifts." For those also frequent Jesus Creed you know that Scot is big on this subject and so he'll have a lot of work put into this and some insight.

So I look forward to reading these books and posting some of my thoughts here as well. Who knows, maybe I'll even do my first review of something!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Take Me to Your Leader

Which in this case is me!!!!


Our usual Life Group leader is on vacation this week and so he has asked me to lead our Life Group this week. He asked me some time ago actually, but I failed to realize that it is the same week as my brother's wedding. He is getting hitched on Saturday. As such this week is extremely busy for my wife and I. As it is, I am the best man and Michele is the matron of honor (my brother is marrying Michele's best friend...they met at our wedding, awww...isn't that poetic...bleh!!).

Anyway, I am actually more nervous or excited or anxious whatever to lead the Life Group on Wednesday night than all my "Best Man" duties (tuxes, keep 5 or 6 grown but immature men inline for Saturday, the speech, etc.). I have taught and led before, but in this case, these people are all adults. Most could be my mom or dad, and a couple could be my grandma or grandpa. Matter of fact on the norm, outside of kids, there are only 3 people younger than me that usually attend (my wife, her sister and husband).

They have more life and church experiences to go on. A couple of them can rattle off Bible verses, like Jack Van Impe, to every possible situation. Going back to my last post, they are more like the prodigal son's brother, the older brother. Been in church all their lifes for many years. Been hard at work and dutiful to God. I am the young guy in the back at Life group who is just the host that asks all the crazy questions and makes the crazy remarks. Wait until I tell them that I prepared some of the lesson at a Sports Bar enjoying a Sam Adams and watching the Pistons game on Saturday. That would be a great ice-breaker!!!

Truth be told, I probably will not tell them that. But my wife got a kick out of it when I did it. Overall, I believe the lesson will be engaging and good allowing for an interesting discussion. I may post it here later on or give the results or feedback afterwards. For now, just pray.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

God - The Ultimate Party Thrower

I never noticed it this way before. I've heard the story over and over and read it over and over. Heard it preached many times. But I never put it all together or realized the party animal that God is. I always heard how no matter how far away we got, when we return God takes us back 100% restored.

Read the Prodigal Son story again. Read the 2 stories before that one too. Lots of rejoicing and party throwing going on. What is causing these rock outs? What is causing a feast complete with blaring music and a whole bunch of dancing? Why is the example of God in this story throwing a party?

A sinner has been found that was once lost. This is the business God is in. This is what gets God and the angles and the heavenly host buzzing and ready to celebrate. This is a party we should be willing to facilitate and make sure happens.

But this is not the part that was the focus of the many teachings and sermons I heard on this story. The focus was always on the prodigal and was followed by a plea to either 1) - do not follow down that path or 2) - if you have fallen away return now to God. He'll even meet you on the way back. Never seemed to be a focus on the party that dad threw when his son returned.

Additionally, there was some focus to the oldest son and his negative attitude but never on the why of his actions. We all know of his complaining and arguing with his dad over the party. We know he was dutiful and spent his life doing his father's work. We do find out that his reward for that faithful service is everything. But why didn't he go out and find or help his lost brother? Why did he stay out in the fields working even as the rumors and reports of his brothers carousing and dirty deeds came into the home?

We could come up with all kinds of reasons why and even imagine him out in the fields talking under his breath and griping about his "young immature" brother. He had to stay on task. He was going to prove himself and work all day for his dad every day. He was the oldest and more mature one. He had responsibility and accountability. There is work to be done and darn it, I'll make sure it gets done.

But he missed something. He missed what would bring his Father complete joy. Getting that brother back home and in the fold. How could he miss it? By that much? He thought he knew what he had to do. Just like we do.

But God is into souls and bringing people to him and back to him. God is into celebrations and parties for the return of lost children. God is into ragamuffins and the people in the margins.

Want to have a party and guarantee God's attendance? Want a bash of universal epic proportons? Go save a soul, go bring someone back from the margins, and go give life to a band of ragamuffins.

After all they are the best people to have at a party.

Monday, May 01, 2006


This whole "Day Without Immigrants" thing going down today across America is such a gross slap in the face to America. Free speech and free press is what it is, and thus, they have every right to do this.

But seriously, a massive amount of people gathering all over the country to advocate illegal activity! Who are here illegally!! Protesting and demonstrating "for their rights!" Come on. Purposely going around to shut down commerce, industry, and agriculture in the US. All to try and show business and America that we cannot survive without them? Malicious intent all the way.

How does this do anything for them? Marching in the streets thus shutting down the roadways. Waving another country's flags here in America is suppose to tell people that you want America to give you rights and not find you a felon?

If American's went into any other country, organized something 1/4 this size and did the same, can you imagine the outcry and pure hatred for America that would materialize more than there already is?

One good thing to come out of today, is that the police and Feds know where all the people are that are here illegally and can do something about it. They also know which business and corporations are illegally hiring these individuals and can bust these companies for doing something so stupid.

I am not advocating a huge wall be built. I am not advocating shutting the borders down altogether. My grandparents were immigrants. But they did not show up under the cover of darkness in hiding illegally. They came here legally, were processed through customs and went about doing and paying what was required to become an American citizen.

Being the melting pot of America does not mean we let anyone and everyone show up here whenever they want illegally and then let them do whatever they want while they are here. Bring us your huddled masses everyday all the time. But do it legally. Do it the right way.

I am really fired up about this. Call this my rant if you will. But, I have no rave here.