Sunday, October 08, 2006

California - Here we Come


Total Euphoria. Detroit took the mighty Yankees down. The last 2 games were complete domination. The aggressiveness of the Tigers pitchers and the base running was by far the key to winning the series. Especially the base running tonight. I think everytime we had a runner on first and someone got a hit, the guy from first would run to third forcing New York to make the play. Bondo tonight and Kenny last night and thier emotions on the mound was refreshing to see. They deserved the standing ovations they received when they exited the game.

All year, and especially the last month or so, all we heard was Detroit was lucky to be there and that going into the playoffs they didn't have the bats to make it very long and go very deep. We do not know what is going to happen in the Oakland series, but the Tigers proved they are for real and they belong. New York, Boston, and Chicago were the 3 teams all the naysayers said Detroit couldn't contend with in the playoffs. Well, all 3 of those teams are now sitting at home watching the Tigers. 2 of them didn't even make the playoffs and the other (New York) was just eliminated by the Tigers.

Go Tigers, we'll back on Friday and Saturday night to cheer you on to the World Series!!!

I like to call this picture "Settling Tee Times"

1 comment:

watchman146 said...

*seething with jealousy*