Sunday, October 22, 2006


I was there, so was Michele, but we have no pictures!!

Well, I have video because we did have the video camera and taped the pre-game ceremony stuff, the first at bat, and pretty much the whole first inning for the Tigers.

But we didn't take pictures with a camera. Oh well. I'll have to take the video and get still pictures off of that.

Anyway, it was freakin awesome to be at the World Series cheering the Detroit Tigers on.

Too bad they lost. That was a big buzz kill, but I am confident they will show up tonight and Kenny will continue his strong pitching.

Last night they completely looked like a team that had a whole week off and got back to some bad habits. And 3 errors!!!!

Anyway, as I said, Kenny will continue his strong postseason pitching and Detroit wins 4-0, maybe 2-1. Zumaya in the 8th, Jones in the 9th, we head to St. Louis tied at 1 a piece. I have game 6 and game 7 tickets already, so if Detroit happens to not clinch in St. Louis, they will back in the D next weekend. I will for sure have pictures for that!!!!

Go Tigers!!

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