Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The joys of blogging

The last couple of weeks have been very enjoyable to myself and I think some others here in the blogoshpere. Specifically to the other three gentleman whose blogs I have links too in the column to the right.

Visions of Time

Each of our blogs, through some recent posts of ours have had some absolutely awesome conversations to them. All on different subject matter too. Well, they have mostly been on religion, but different areas of religion.

Visions of Time had a large discussions on time, defining time, and measuring time.

Sojourner on the Humaness (is that a word?) of Jesus as well as on Salvation and Perserverance. Sojourner as also stepped out in faith and is in the process of planting a church in Mancelona. Read that here.

Transitions has a great post on Paul and the Hippy. And you have to check out the 3 installments of his "Watchman Show" here, here, and here.

I'll throw in my post on "Why I Stay with the Church."

Not sure why we have all been going like crazy on these conversations back and forth but it has been a joy for me. Maybe it is no longer summer and we all have more time inside? Maybe we are more comfortable with each other and expressing our beliefs and laying ourselves out there for everyone else?

Whatever it is has been great!

To Corey, Toby, and Gary thanks guys for keeping the dialogue open and putting together some rich conversations. To the others that have also given there input into our conversations I thank you too - Rodmaster, bj, Naten, Boanerges, etc. (I only know screen or "blogger" names to all of you).

Keep it up!

To everyone else, go to the above conversations and add in your thoughts as well, join in all of our spirtual journeys.


toby said...

Brian, thanks for the links, bro. Especially The Prodigal Project! Thanks! It's been good stuff!

gary said...

Brian, you rock!