Friday, August 25, 2006

Sometimes you just have to laugh

As I have written about before, my wife and I host a Bible study at our house on Wednesday nights (I have written about it here and here). Well, starting this Wednesday, I am the new "leader."

The leader we had has been sent out from our group (as a missionary if you will) to another life group to get it off its back and on its feet and on track. So I have been asked to take over the leadership role of the Life Group at my house.


I am brimming with excitement and nervousness. I really want to do this and have been praying about this exact opportunity for some time. I have filled in the past when needed, but that was just getting a call up from AAA for a one time spot start to rest the regular. Now this is the real deal.

Can I do this?

How good of a leader am I really?

So as I sat down tonight with my Starbucks to begin studying and preperation, I decided to go with some of the material that our pastoral staff offers the leaders to use as lesson plans for the discussions for the first couple of weeks to get things started and rolling along. I took out my note pad and my Bible, grabbed the Life Truths magazine and flipped through the first 5 or so pages.

The first lesson plan I came across was titled:

"What? Me a Leader."

No kidding. I started laughing, out loud. I could not believe it.

God, seriously, has a sense of humor. I picture him waving with his hand (or whatever he has) quite furiously for the angels to hurry up over here and watch Brian as he reads his first lesson plan. hurry come on...

here he goes......



*did I just hear thunder outside?*

Oh by the way, the lesson plan will be on Joshua and go through the book of Joshua for the coming weeks.

*wow, that thunder is getting louder*

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