Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thinking Out Loud

Just throwing something out there that I have been contemplating for a very long time.

Let's put life in a vacuum (like we do in Physics). We get our pay checks and we pay all the bills, put some away in the 401K, give the kids their allowance, tithe, put some in the savings account and take the wife out to dinner and movie.

I am left with some discretionary income. Should this money be put into the church? I do not mean just the church you attend but charities and mission outreachs? But all of it, all that leftover money, should it go to the forwarding of the gospel? Not political campaigns, but legitmate instances?

As I said just thinking out loud.


gary said...

All I can say is, "uh, wow, dude. You must have a pretty good job!"

*discretionary income*


Brian said...

that's why I threw life in a vaccuum, makes everything equal and takes out outside influences (remember physics class?).

Discrentionary Income could be $5 or $5,000

gary said...

Yeah, but I have antidiscretionary income that currently equates to $0.

Total disability is blast, let me tell you.

Brian said...

Dang, dude.

That bad still, huh!

gary said...

Well, as of yesterday I'm on total disability for another month and am starting to physical therapy.

I had orbits done yesterday to see if I can get an MRI, which I can on Friday to see if these knee/back injuries are going to require surgery.

Dude, the worst part about this accident is not knowing how long it's going to take before I can work again.

Brian said...

Holy cow (in case you are Hindu)

I just did not realize it was that bad.

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