Thursday, September 08, 2005


I feel I should explain something from my last post.

My comment about a church wide bible-study may be misleading. Actually, what it is is this:

Our church does not have a Wednesday night service at the church. There are about 6 or 7 houses spread out through our church family that host Bible studies on Wednesday evening. At each location is a teacher and we have a Bible Study for whoever in the church or community comes by. The idea is to become more active in the community and draw people into the Bible and Jesus that would usually stay away from church.

We call these gatherings "Life Groups." As I said, each Life Group has a teacher and all Life Groups are studying the same Bible passages and overall teaching lesson, but they are tailored to the people in attendance and as that discussion moves along.

So my wife and I use our house as a host house and others come over and hold the Bible study at our house.

Another goal of the Life Groups is to grow in a big size that requires it to split off and form another one at someone else's house with a different teacher. So, in our case, say we grow to 20 regular attendees. Half of them or so would splinter off with a different teacher and start their own Life Group. With both continuing to grow and producing more and more Life Groups. The idea is to follow very closely to how the original Christians did it in the New Testament with Paul, Silas, Peter, John, and the others planting and growing churches all over.

I'd be happy to converse with others on this if they want to. It takes a lot to get the church membership on board, especially the people "stuck" in tradition of going to the church on Wednesday evenings (THE CHURCH IS NOT OPEN AT ALL ON have to go to a Life Group house to attend Wednesday night church). Additionally, the church leadership has to trust in God and prayerfully make the right decisions on who hosts and who teaches, as they are a voice for the church.

Until next time


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