Friday, August 04, 2006

Red? Blue? Purple?

The more I rethink my values and priorities and what I find important in life, the more I question some of my political affliations in the past and currently.

Basically, I am convinced I vote primarily Republican due to their stance on some "life issues." Specifically abortion and stem cells. Also I am not a fan of big government. So much so that I really do not like the fact that we have seat belt and helmet laws. It should be someone's choice. You're an idiot to not wear a seat belt or a helmet, but it should not be a law.

But I digress, my point was the "life issues." This is really all that holds me to them, but it is enough to keep me, for now. The Republican party has really become the party of greed. More money, bigger business, cut taxes, run up deficits, drill for more oil, etc., etc.

I actually find it funny that the Democrats have started using the term "progressive." That is totally a Republican term. Bigger and better and new is more important that conserve. Yet, conserve is the root word of CONSERVative.


My stance on abortion will never change (wrong, always wrong...come up with any "excuse" and I can show you multiple people and their mom who would not be here if their mom used that "excuse"), as will my stance on stem cells. And I have a conscience issue when I knowingly vote for someone who publically endorses a pro-choice stance.

But I am really bugged by the fact that Republicans are so damn greedy. More, more, more. Give me tax breaks so I can get more money. I'll donate a very specific amount of money to get the best tax write-off I can. Nevermind do it out of genuine genoristy and mercy to the down-trodden and poor.

I know I am blabbing here, but my mind has been racing through all of this and I really have a difficult time summing it up in a nice neat package with a bow on top of it.

All that being said,

I woul still for George W. Bush.


gary said...

Brian, I'm with you on the greed aspect, but you'll find that at the source of just about any party.

Why pick and choose? Vote for people; not parties. That's what I do -- and for the record, Bush will never ever get my vote again. He has single handedly murdered more of my friends than any one abortion clinic has.

I look at the political world much the way I look at church. We must see the individuals instead of giving life to the whole collection of them.


Brian said...

Oh, I definitely vote for people and not parties. But to say that I do not vote primarily Republican would be naive on my part. So then I look and go why?

Especially when the positives are less than the negatives.

Please take this the right way Gary, but you will never know what an abortion clinic has taken from you, nor will I. At least we've had the opportunity to meet peple and call them friends and family. Abortion clinics do not allow us that chance...ever!

Maybe what I should have wrote was if I knew then (election 2004) what I know (August 2006) I would still vote for Bush over Kerry.

Church, politics, I agree...


gary said...

True on the clinics, Brian. We'll never know. Any time I imagine someone wanting to go that route, I think of my son -- I think of what their child would be to them.

And then I try to stand in their shoes. This is not yet a child -- and thus the abortion. With that mentality, I understand them. I want to be compassionate, which takes maturity... patience... love. Lots of love.