Monday, January 16, 2006


Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.

- Martin Luther King Jr.


gary said...

Hear, Hear!

watchman146 said...


When you say "Amen" to Dr. King's comment are you saying that you oppose violent and aggressive behavior? If so, do you oppose all violent and agressive behavior? There are many people who seem to think that they can love violently.

Brian said...

Good questions......

Depends on your definition of violent and/or aggressive behavior?

If I am walking down the street and I see a man punch a woman in the face, or I witness someone rip the purse from a ladies arm and I run up, catch them and while holding them down, they punch me, so I punch back and continue to hold them down until authorities arrive, did I act in violent or aggressive behavior?


If I had ran after them yelling how much I love them and please stop so we can talk about the love for the human race, would that have worked? No. However, I still have love for that indivdual but my obligation to society is such that this behavior was necessary.

What about a cop you has to use his weapon in the line of duty?

However, i will say that I think your qoute and definition of "love violently" leads me to believe you are talking about abusive spouses or parents, or anyone who claims they do it "out of love."

gary said...

Violence seems to be a necessary evil at times. I think it would take some sort of world-wide revolution for everyone to be in a mindset, first, that there are more intelligent ways of doing things than going to war, punching your wife, or beating the sin out of your kids.


...some people say I'm a dreamer.

Brian said...

Nice Lennon drop G.

"Total worldwide revolution"...understatement?