Thursday, January 12, 2006

Personal Reflection: Resolution?

I guess this qualifies as one, but it is kind of coincidence. A day or two after the new year, I was walking around the local Christian bookstore in my community trying to find one specific item and just perusing everything else. I came across the "Sale Bin" where everything in the bin was drastically reduced in price. Right there on the top was the world famous Oswald Chambers' 'My Utmost for His Highest' for $3 (maybe $4, that whole $2.99, $3.95 pricing strategy gets me sometimes). My eyebrows raised and I grabbed it. I mean for $3 I am getting a world's bestseller! Anyway, I finshed my wandering of the aisles, paid for my couple items and walked out of the store. As I drove home I decided that for 2006 I would use this book as my daily devotional. I have never read any part of the book (as far as I can remember) and had heard many people talk about it. So when I got home, I promptly read the 3 or 4 days I needed to catch up on.

A week or so later, I am reading it everyday, I also have made sure to read each Bible entry that Chambers used for his text that day and in his exposition of that text. I read this (takes maybe 5 minutes to do all the reading), mull it over in my mind for a couple more and then I just say a simple prayer in regards to the "lesson." I also do this same thing at lunch time as a refresher to myself, also as a checkup to see how I did or have done so far.

I am very happy with this. I am no where even close to a morning person. My wife "harasses" me alot over the fact that I hit snooze on my alarm clock more than once every morning. I wake up with about 10 minutes to get ready every morning. So that early morning devotional was rarely happening. This new method allows me to do it at work at my desk and takes maybe 10 minutes. Additionally, a co-worker spotted me doing this and asked. This allowed me the chance to be a witness to them. Open the door or plant an initial seed.

This is one resolution that I am going to keep.

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