Friday, January 27, 2006

We are all doomed, start running to your Y2K bunker now!!!!

Ok, the title exaggerates....only slightly. Why do political parties feel the need to make everything sound like it is the end of the world and all civiliazation if something happens that goes against their ideological belief?


gary said...

I'd run to my Y2K bunker, but it's jam packed full of unused gas masks, avian flu vaccinations, crop-circle UFO resin, electrical generators with a butane converter, and a guy in hiding who claims to be from "the grassy knoll" or something.

gary said...

Oh wait, that's not *my* Y2K bunker.

I just stopped in to grab a snack from a selection of over three thousands cans of soup that survived the tribulation.

Oh no! I've said too much. Gotta change my name and move to Cambodia under the guise of a mime.

Brian said...

What did you do with your vaccines for SARS (catastrophic global pandemic du jour 2002) and West Nile (cataastraphic global pandemic du jour 2003)? What about your massive build up of oridnary flu (catastrophic global pandemic du jour 2004) vaccines you got last year.

Did you sell them all on the black market to buy your Avian Flu (catastrophic global pandemic du jour 2005) vaccine?

I wonder what will be the story in 2006?

gary said...

Actually, no, I didn't sell my vaccinations. I injected them into a bunch of rats who died of cancer two days later.