Sunday, July 16, 2006

My Perception

Some people look and say:

"Technology is phenomenol."

"When I was your age we didn't have the ability to see that!"

"Look how small it is right now?!"

"Isn't it something that a machine allows us to see this?"

"It is amazing what we can do nowadays"

All of the above is 100% true. Technology nowadays is mind boggling. The things we can do, the things we can see, and the things we'll be able to do see some day in the future will be leaps and bounds over what we have now.

To me, technology cements the wonder and awe that is God. It enhances (not that I need it) God and his miracles. Blessings from the Creator are legitimized (not that I need that either) through certain modes of technology that open up our eyes to what is going on and allow us a perspective that we would have no other way.

This is even compounded when the same technology that currently brings unmeasureable joy and a new perception on life, was last used to bring despair and pain. Questions and doubt. It is what makes life life. Makes it unique and a mystery to all of us humans.

This mystery is compounded when the same technology that tells you what the future holds for you cannot fully affirm the details and the looks. What the unique characteristics will be. What the amouts of joy and sadness and pride and hurt will come down the line as a result 5, 10, 15, maybe even 50 years from now.

But when I look and see:

I drop my jaw in awe of God.

I walk outside and take in the sunlight in a state of wonder.

I look at my wife in a new glow and walk in life.

My head is filled with thoughts and prayers and wonder and questions and some doubt.

When I look, I.....


toby said...

Wow. Is a congrats in order?

Brian said...


gary said...

Congrats, Brian! I heard the news from your sister. Your life is about to get unimaginably good.

Brian said...

My sister always had a big mouth...

Thanks G-Dawg

Never know, I may actually call you at 3am next February begging for help!


gary said...

LOL. Call anytime. Expect little help.