Friday, July 28, 2006

Jumping on the Bandwagon

This weekend is a bandwagon jumping weekend...

Tonight, Michele and I will be jumping on the Rob Bell bandwagon and attending his "Everything is Spiritual" Tour at the City Theatre in Downtown Detroit (adjacent to Hockeytown Cafe). We are both very excited to see/hear/listen to this presentation. Like everyone else we enjoyed the Nooma videos we have seen (Michele has used them in her Bible studies at her job and our Life Group has used them as well at our house) and I periodically check out some of his sermons online. Ironically, I have not (nor desire to) read Velvet Elvis. His very popular book. I hope to post a review over the weekend, which leads me too.....

Also, on Saturday we will jump on another band wagon. Re-doing a room in our house to welcome our first addition to our family. Right now we are just going to paint the room (Chartruese Frost...can you tell who picked the color?). The color is greenish but light enough to be appropriate for a little girl (complimented with pink...of course). Michele is convinced it is boy (we do not know yet, but we will find out beforehand) so we have been looking at a way to incorporate the Detroit Tigers as well as trains (I work for UP railroad and have always liked trains) into the decorating motif. Actually, regardless of boy or girl, the Detroit Tigers will be incorporated into the room's design. Speaking of the Tigers....

Now, that bandwagon is one we have been on for a long time. The best team in baseball is playing like it. This weekend is huge against Minnesota. The Twins are 34-8 in their last 42 games. However, the Tigers are 31 - 11 in their last 42 and still hold an 8.5 game lead over the Twins for the AL Central lead. So far this year, the Tigers are 7-2 against Minnesota, but all those games were played before May 19. As well, understanding the importance of the series, Minnesota adjusted thier starting rotation to pitch their 3 best pitchers against the Tigers this weekend (Liriano, Radke, and Santana...combined 33-14 pitching record). It is going to be some great baseball I wish I could see in person but will have to settle for the sofa (when not painting). I expect the Detroit Bandwagon to gain "Standing Room Only" status after they dispatch of the Twins this weekend.


toby said...

Why no desire to read Velvet? I see you got it in your latest post, but why originally? I loved it.

Brian said...

Not 100% sure why, but I do have a couple reasons that kind of worked together.

1 - What is a Velvet Elvis?

2 - I did sit down in a Borders one time and read the intro and wasn't impressed.

3 - The subtitle "Repainting..." I did not like, for me it is just a bad connation I guess. You repaint what you do not like or to replace someone else's work. Ultimately changing something to fit what you want and like. I know it is just me, but I could not overcome that roadblock (until now at least).

4 - I have way too many books already to read and have read since then. I try to mix Religion with fiction with secular subjects to balance everything out. Having just finished Confessions of a Reformission Rev. and Praying with the Church (hopefully a review soon) I am onto Crime and Punishment. Before Driscoll and McKnight, I read Freakonomics (which is just a radical book). I guess what I am saying is that Velvet Elvis never made it into the "need to read" list.

But, after seeing him Friday, it was that amazing, plus he did autograph the book, so how could I not buy it?

Brian said...

correction - it was not Freakonomics but Crunchy Cons.

Crunchy Cons - now that is a radical book. Anyone who has problems with the Republicans but still votes that way because you just canot vote Democrat due to their stance on "life issues" (abortion, stem cells, sexuality, etc.) READ THIS BOOK.

Crunchy is slang for "earthy" and cons is short for Conservative.

Which the root word is "CONSERVE"

not greed

not rich

not big business

not money

not kill the environment
