Saturday, July 29, 2006

Bandwagon Follow-up

Rob Bell - amazing. I had to buy Velvet Elvis afterwards. Seeing/hearing him live was 100% better than any sermon I heard online. His "Everything is Spiritual" speech is mesmorizing, authentic, eye-opening, and just makes me go wow! That is all I could say to my wife when we left, WOW! It is coming out on DVD sometime, buy it, pre-order it whatever. Buy more than one and pass them out to your "Un-Christian" friends, family, and acquaintances who rely on science, hard concrete facts, and humanism (or relativism..."I think therefore I am" etc.) to explain life. Perhaps the best $10 I ever spent.

Oh yeah, they have new paperbacks of Velvet Elvis, which I bought one, and then waited up a little for Rob and we were able to chit-chat a couple minutes and he signed the book I bought! Pretty sweet.

Tigers won last night in 10 innings. Last night's game was perhaps the one they would be expected to lose, but they pulled it out. They are the best team in baseball right now. Hands down.

Waiting on the primer to dry in the bedroom before I put the first coat of "Chartruese Frost" on the walls. Michele is off shopping with her mom and sister so I am here painting. How does that work out?

Here is how....

*Early in the week*

"Honey, we should paint the baby's room this weekend."

"Sounds great Michele. Let's go to Lowe's and pick out the paint."


*Couple days later* - phone rings at work

"Hey babe, it is me, my mom and sister want to see if I can meet up at Sommerset Mall on Saturday to shop with them."

"Absolutely, go have some fun, I can do a couple things around the house I've been wanting to get done."

"Sweet, I'll call them back now."

"Sounds good."

*We hang up*

2 minutes later...

Wait, aren't we suppose to paint the bedroom this weekend? (I think to myelf).

Call Michele back, no answer. Hmmmm

Get home from work and ask her about that.

"Oh yeah, well I already called them and my mom is really excited to go shopping with her girls?!" "Want me to call her back and tell her I cannot make it?"

"No." "I'll get the room painted while you are gone."

"You're the best Brian!"

And that is how I am at home on Saturday painting the bedroom.

Married life, wouldn't want it any other way.


gary said...

LOL. Every married man reading this understands, Brian. We're right there with you painting the walls. When the baby is old enough, you get to say, "daddy worked hard to give you a beautiful room while mommy went shopping with grandma." Pain has its rewards; you just have to find them.

BTW, who ever outlawed concubines? I want some of them.

Brian said...

Believe me, I already have all the "war" stories ready to go.