Friday, January 27, 2006

We are all doomed, start running to your Y2K bunker now!!!!

Ok, the title exaggerates....only slightly. Why do political parties feel the need to make everything sound like it is the end of the world and all civiliazation if something happens that goes against their ideological belief?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


It is a wonder that is unfathomable. Resurrection wonder. It is a wonder of the power over the grave: "O' death where is thy sting!" The power that has been given to all born-again Christians, resurrection power. This power over death brings utter and total wonder. This same resurrection wonder should captivate all elements of my life. Stop and look around at all of God's creation with resurrection wonder. Resurrection wonder (and our faith in it) allow us eternal life. Eternity is near impossible to understand (if not completely). The totality of this amazing, phenomenonal, wonder is gripping. I've grasped this and it makes me shudder, resurrection wonder shakes me to my bones.

Resurrection wonder - how can I look at anything the same again?

Resurrection wonder - all of God's creation.

I canot stop to smell the roses or the coffee. I do not stop to notice the small things. Instead, I stop to look around, with resurrection wonder, at the Master's Creation.

Take it all in - there will be no more mundane, no more boring.


Monday, January 16, 2006


Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.

- Martin Luther King Jr.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Personal Reflection: Resolution?

I guess this qualifies as one, but it is kind of coincidence. A day or two after the new year, I was walking around the local Christian bookstore in my community trying to find one specific item and just perusing everything else. I came across the "Sale Bin" where everything in the bin was drastically reduced in price. Right there on the top was the world famous Oswald Chambers' 'My Utmost for His Highest' for $3 (maybe $4, that whole $2.99, $3.95 pricing strategy gets me sometimes). My eyebrows raised and I grabbed it. I mean for $3 I am getting a world's bestseller! Anyway, I finshed my wandering of the aisles, paid for my couple items and walked out of the store. As I drove home I decided that for 2006 I would use this book as my daily devotional. I have never read any part of the book (as far as I can remember) and had heard many people talk about it. So when I got home, I promptly read the 3 or 4 days I needed to catch up on.

A week or so later, I am reading it everyday, I also have made sure to read each Bible entry that Chambers used for his text that day and in his exposition of that text. I read this (takes maybe 5 minutes to do all the reading), mull it over in my mind for a couple more and then I just say a simple prayer in regards to the "lesson." I also do this same thing at lunch time as a refresher to myself, also as a checkup to see how I did or have done so far.

I am very happy with this. I am no where even close to a morning person. My wife "harasses" me alot over the fact that I hit snooze on my alarm clock more than once every morning. I wake up with about 10 minutes to get ready every morning. So that early morning devotional was rarely happening. This new method allows me to do it at work at my desk and takes maybe 10 minutes. Additionally, a co-worker spotted me doing this and asked. This allowed me the chance to be a witness to them. Open the door or plant an initial seed.

This is one resolution that I am going to keep.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Life Group Experience

Dear Pastor Jeff,

Our Life Group experience has exceeded
all of our expectations! With open Bibles,
open hearts, and open minds we study the
Word and apply it to our daily lives. Be led
by the Spirit and share with each other the
joys of growth in our Christian lives and seek
help during difficult times. The weekly
fellowship also allows us the opportunity
to share our own individual experiences.
Weekly, through the sharing of our personal
lives, we all rejoice together, pray together,
laugh together, support each other, and
continually challenge and grow together.
The uniqueness of each individual, the
intimate setting, and the open culture have
truly benefited us all and helped us all grow
in our Christian life. Michele and I look
forward to Wednesday nights every week.
The blessings we receive from everyone
that has shared our home are too many for
us to count (honestly). The only thing that
could surpass our blessings is the group wide
eagerness and excitement that surrounds our
Life Group and praise be to God -
The Life Group concept that Friendship Baptist Church embarked up on in September of 2005 has been a truly unique experience and a Godsend. The usual Wednesday night church service has been replaced by "Life Groups" meeting in the same home, every Wednesday night, to read, study, and apply the word. To pray and sing together and share in the joy that is life and a Life in Christ.

The Life Groups are spread out through the Lincoln Park, Allen Park, Trenton, Grosse Ile, and Brownstown communities. 6 for adults and 4 for youth. Thankfully, Michele and I were asked by the church leaders to host an adult Life Group in our home. Somewhere between 8 - 15 of us gather around our dining room table and over a couple pots of coffee have a church service. I cannot help but sometimes think we are being just like the early church (like the book of Acts church). Except we are not in hiding, with windows closed and shades drawn and lights out. We may not have a Paul or Peter or Silas or Barnabas teaching us but we have open dialogue and study over God's word.

One day, God willing, the Life Group will grow too large to fit in our home and we will spin off a 2nd location. Then this location will spin off another (we'll spin off a 2nd one), and they'll spin off more, and on and on it goes. This is the "goal" or idea surrounding the Life Groups. Spread throughout the downriver community and slowly work individuals who normally do not do the "church thing" and bring more people to Christ.

The letter that kicked off this post is a letter to my Pastor in response to him asking about the experience Michele and I have had with Life Group. I would be very shocked if anyone felt opposite of the feelings conveyed in the letter. It is truly an idea many churches should attempt in one way or another.