Monday, July 23, 2007

Big Mac

Well it finally seems that former Senator George Mitchell doesn't really have the cooties afterall. After a year of getting the cold shoulder from Major League Baseball (MLB) Players and their obstructionists union, MLB's top drug cop is finally getting a trickle of cooperation from the players. Jason Giambi talked to him a few days ago and Gary Sheffield, who can't stop talking to anybody about everybody and anything, has said that he will talk frankly with Mitchell as well. That's wonderful. That's great news that just might lend some smidgen of credibility to this glorified book report that Mitchell has been conducting. But as memory serves me, weren't we suppose to be hearing some rather frank, anti-steroid chatter from another famous, muscle-bound, swollen headed, steroid using home run leader?

No not him.

I'm talking about Mark McGwire. It's been just over 2 years and 4 months since he sat before Congress and told us, with alligator tears flowing from his eyes, that he would speak up, loud and clear, to the youth of America and tell them, with his own unusual conjugation how bad steroids were. And now here we are. We're still waiting Mark. And your silence is another reminder to everybody that Barry Bonds isn't the only villain in this story of baseball and steroids.


Anonymous said...

I'm not much of a baseball fan, so I really am asking. Steriods haven't really been against the rules for very long, have they? Or have they been banned all along? And if not, why are people so upset about who may have used them in the past? If they weren't against the rules, that is.

Brian said...

Steroids weren't against the explicit rules of baseball. There was no out and out rule that said, "Steroids are illegal." Illegal in the US? Yes. In baseball? technically No.

But it is kind of the smugness and the fact that everyone is lying about it.

I think, for the most part, America is pretty forgiving country. If these guys had come out 3-4 years ago and said yes I did it and yes I knew I was doing it (Bonds, Sheffield, etc. claim they did use "The Cream" and "The Clear" but had no idea it was steroids...right) by now, I think people wouldn't care.

I will also say, I believe Barry Bonds is probably a Top 5 All-Time baseball player. Back in the early 90s when his head was small and he didn't look like popeye, he was winning MVP's and hitting home runs. But then people his lesser were all of sudden hitting 50 hrs a year and batting .320 every year and it pissed him off.

But no excuses. Come out and say it.

Everyone but Schilling at that hearing in front of Congree comes out smelling like crap.

Palmeiro lied to everyone

Sammy was an idiot who all of sudden forgot his English

And McGwire didn't want to dwell on his past and cried pathetically.

It just sucks.

I love the game of baseball. I could talk about it for hours. I love the strategy and nuances and the pace with which a game unfolds. And just to think that someone is juicing doesn't ring cool with me.

Anonymous said...

I don't think America is a forgiving country. I think America has a short attention span, but not exactly the same thing. If there was a precedent of forgiveness, I think they would have come clean before. I mean, they didn't really break the rules after all.