Friday, July 13, 2007

The Doctor will see you now

Luke, the beloved physician, was poised for the ultimate examination. Luke had done his research thoroughly, he had talked to other specialists, grasped the vital signs denoting health; he was prepped for his task. Years of medical experience had trained his eyes and intuitions to know the situation even before the results were in. The patient, the Lord Jesus, was thoroughly sifted in Luke's arduous investigation. No stone had gone unturned in the life of Christ, no pocket left unchecked. The doctor gazed deeply into the pupils, the ears and most importantly, listened to His heart. After a period of analysis, a crunching of the numbers and checking the charts, the Doctor stepped back and internalized the results. He rubbed his chin and checked the information on his clip-board one more time. Looking up, he pronounced his diagnosis, "You're normal." he said.

May we all be normal

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