Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Post updates

1st post rememberance

"Finally - They Have Arrived"

Well, Finally, the reviews are coming.

Not totally though. I had some mandatory book reading I had to do for work (I know, kind of weird, but I am trying to "champion" something) on top of my brother's wedding so I have not picked up any of those books to read. But I am going to start "Confessions...." very soon and start blogging that as I go along.

Open honesty alert - I have some crazy near man love for Mark Driscoll. So to be objective going into his book is very hard. So just know that.

2nd post rememberance

"Now, I am really on a roll"

Well, surgery is coming. I have a fractured ankle and some bone chips to deal with. So, I'll have even more time to read and blog as I have to be off the foot for 6 - 8 weeks. Nothing is going down until after the 4th of July, but still not looking forward to spending my summer like this.

Oh well, one day my body will be perfect and I will have all the time in the world to read all I want.

But I cannot comprehend the fact?!

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