Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fat Tuesday - SWEET!!!!!

Yes, I had a paczki today. It is Fat Tuesday!!!!

No, I will not be going to church tomorrow. It is Ash Wednesday.

However, this Sunday, our pastor handed out the book :"50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die." by John Piper. It is also called: "The Passion of Jesus Christ: 50 Reasons he came to die."

As he explained it, their is a lot of wisdom to what the Roman Catholics do with the whole Ash Wednesday/Lent thing. It is total preparation for Resurrection Sunday. Easter. The day all Christians received the power. The day all Christians won. The day all Christians received the ability to look upon the world in Resurrection Wonder.

It is the crux of Christianity.

He asked each househld to read one of the reasons every day and ponder it and realize it everyday until Easter. (There are 49 days, from last Sunday - the 26th).

From time to time I may post a quick paragraph or snipet of the book. I am really excited to do this and agree that the principal behind Lent is something maybe all Christians should do. Personally, I have always wished that Easter received the same fanfare as Christmas, actually more. Longer vacations, a month long build-up. Sights and sounds everywhere you go. I feel compelled beyond more than anything to be in church on Easter than any other day (even Christmas).

It is just me.

The Christmas story is amazing with a host of angels and shepherds and a massive party in the sky.

Easter is AWESOME with a couple ladies walking to the tomb, finding the rock rolled away and a dude sitting in white telling them that man is free for evermore.

Just 3 days earlier, all seemed lost. Every ounce of blood in their "messiah" was gone and spilled. He was dead. Utter desolation was all they felt. That Easter morning, they all found out that their Messiah was ALIVE.

I am really going to spend more time than usual on these one or two pages I will read from Piper's book daily. Let the whole crucifixtion really set in. Realize the power of the cross and the victory it has wrought for everyone. Try and put myself in a state of being where Easter Celebration will be one of life-changing magnitude.

I would encourage all of you to do the same thing. However you can find a way to do that. Prepare your hearts and minds for Easter.

Until then

God Bless

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