Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Buzz Words

I love buzz words. Well, not love, but I like them a lot. Maybe that is part of the reason I studied Marketing and Advertising in College. Even the real lame and stupid ones. I like some of the real catchy ones too. My wife Michele is always laughing or mocking me at my hypocrisy. My hypocrisy in the fact that I allow pop, mainstream, corporate, etc. culture to enter my life and live it to an extent. You see, I really cannot stand when people let this happen to themselves. Examples of this (and whether or not I have fallen victim) are American Idol (no), Fear Factor (no), MTV (check), People Magazine (no), Donald Trump (check), and Reality TV (no). The list goes on. Feel free to add your own.

Anyway, I digress slightly. The Pastoral leadership at my church has started using some of our own buzz words. These are classic buzz words and the more you think on them the more you have to question yourself and ponder them. Unwrap them and see where they apply to your life.

In no particular order here they are (well they are in some order, you'll see later):
  1. Club Church
  2. Christian Ghetto
  3. Constipated Christian (introduced this past Sunday into our lexicon)

I really love using these terms in day-to-day conversation with believers and non-believers alike. When I hear them I cannot help but snicker a little bit. I'll break these down for you here a little in hopes that you will start to use them yourself.

1 - Club Church - When the church is more worried about:

  • who is allowed in (clientale of the club)
  • what you wear (dress code of the club)
  • the music that is played (format of the club)
  • the Bible translation that is used (the proper language to use in the club)

you have become a club. A location where rules dictate activity and not God and the Holy Spirit.

2 - Christian Ghetto - It's where only Christians hang out and compound each other's problems and fail to get out and experience what God has for them in their life. They know nothing else. Worse, they are pressured by the owners of Club Church (you see, they run and operate the ghetto) to stay there and complain about everything outside of the ghetto and how they always get the raw deal.

3 - Constipated Christian - the Christian who receives God's love and blessings. The power of God has moved them in their lives (the same power that has defeated the grave). They recognize it and know it. Yet, they keep it all to themselves and keep it packed inside themselves. Then they harass and proclaim that people who do not have as much as they have are weak and need a revival. Nevermind that they go against

  1. Matthew 22: 37 - 40
  2. Mark 12: 30 - 31
  3. Luke 10: 25 - 28
  4. John 13: 34 - 35

And no matter what they do, when they do not share this love of God, they fail to realize this is what they are: 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3

And if they continue it, Jesus has said: Revelation 2: 2 - 5

Buzz words, I really like them. Especially when they are dead center right on.


***Continue to pray for Michele and the missions team in Brazil. As well as there families.

If you are not sure what I am talking about, read my previous post (just below this one).***

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