Monday, September 12, 2005

4 Years

We all know what happened 4 years ago. I am not talking about the day of 9/11. OK, maybe I am to an extent. Specifically, I am talking about 9/12. The day after. When we all woke up and wondered what was going to happen with the rest of our lives? How was it going to change? Who in the heck was the Usama Bin Laden guy? What had happened overnight? I am sure many people, like myself, fell asleep with the TV on. Just waiting for something else to happen.

I started thinking back to 9/12, and while I cannot bring back every thought I had that morning and throughout the day, I can bring back events in my life that happened. What I discovered was 4 years does not seem like that long ago, but yet it does. So many events and situations have transpired since then, but I can still remember the exact moment I watched a Boeing 767 fly from the left side of my TV screen slam right into the South Tower. Was it bad editing? Did CNN (I had not yet discovered Fox News) screw up in showing a replay of the plane that hit earlier? Wait, there are people really screaming on TV, and the news anchor just freaked out on TV. No way!!! A second plane just hit the other tower!! It is all just so recent in my memory.

So to answer some of my own questions I asked myself the morning of September 12, here I go:
  • I went to all my classes that day
  • I graduated Central Michigan University in December, with no job.
  • I moved to Lincoln Park, MI and lived with my uncle.
  • I proposed to my girlfriend, Michele, at Christmas, with no job.
  • January, I had an interview with Airborne Express.
  • I watched the Super Bowl halftime show that featured U2 and it cemented U2 as one of favorite bands.
  • I finally got a job after college and worked for Airborne Express on 02/18/02.
  • Bought my first car, a 1999 Contour. Still have it......
  • Bought my uncle's house in May of 2002. Still live there.......
  • Planned a wedding thoughout 2002.
  • Married on 01/04/03
  • Went through a merger and aquistion at my job as Airborne Express was bought by DHL.
  • Started a new job with Insight Network Logistics on, oddly enough 02/18/05.
  • 05/28/05, my wife and I find out she is pregnant with our first child
  • Sometime between 07/09/05 and 07/11/05 my wife and I experienced a miscarriage.
  • I just spent the last weekend in Cleveland at the Rock Financial 20 year anniversary party. Due to my wife's All-Star persona, we were able to meet Mike Brown (coach of the Cavaliers), LeBron James (NBA Megastar), and Kid Rock.

So those are some of the events that have happened since then. That is actually a lot. Marriage, first home purchase, first car purchase, 2 jobs, almost my first child. Which is why 4 years ago seems so far away. Other events in my life that have transpired of note include:

  • I have flown multiple times, both domestic and international since 9/12.
  • One of those times I was flagged for a full search of myself and luggage. I thanked the TSA agent when he was done for doing his job. I seriously meant it.
  • My brother served in the resulting war.
  • I lost one of my best friends from high-school as a reult of the war on terrorism.
  • I have become more involved in politics (extensively involved) and have grasped onto the 24/7 all news all the time that the internet and all the various news agencies now offer.
  • Some days I completely forget about 9/11. Most days I do not.
  • The pictures, videos, TV specials, and all other media around 9/11 I cannot get enough of and will watch it all whenever I can.

These are all instances and circumstances as a result of that day and to a part answer some of the questions I had that morning.

In essence, my life has continued on. I was able to live out a part of the American dream that many others have been able to do and many others died to make sure I could. I have had some inconviences and tense moments in my life. I've changed some of my plans and second guessed myself on some instances. All as a result of 9/11. But this is life. This is what happened and as much as I'd want my friend back, or wish I could get out of the all news all the time scenario I so often find myself in, it is what it is. Whose to say that if 9/11 hadn't happened, that anything would be different? I'll never know, we'll never know. People get married, people die, people travel, and life goes on. I am not trying at all to diminsh 9/11 and what happen because all of our lives have changed as a result. But it is something we cannot change.

As much of an effect 9/11 had on our lives, everything still comes back to living our lives for Jesus, others, and ourselves. Sometimes we lose this focus as world events take place (like right now with Katrina). We all should give support and offer prayers for all peoples involved with Katrina. But we should never lose focus on the people around us and make sure to keep them close. Because when the news flashes are over and we resume our normal lives, that's what continues...our normal lives. Spouses, children, moms, dads, cousins, girlfriends, boyfriends, aunts, uncles, and grandparents are there for us. Our job, the mortgage, cutting the grass, and cooking dinner still have to be done on a regular consistent basis.

4 years have gone by in a flash, let's pray that the next 4 can slow down a bit and allow us all to savor life a lot more and focus on Jesus, our family, friends, and our normal lives.

Until next time,


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