Thursday, March 16, 2006

Time for Politics

I have been staying away from politics lately on this blog. A lot of it is because I am growing more and more cautious of political activism and actually not really liking it at all very much.

Here is an example (a little lengthy):

My new way home from work (thank you M-DOT and your construction patterns) takes me down Woodward Ave. through Royal Oak and Ferndale. Royal Oak and Ferndale are very liberal yuppie-type communities. Where as I live in downriver Detroit, which is blue-collar UAW/Teamsters (hence, big on the Democratic party), Royal Oak and Ferndale are the college eductaed "elite" "progressive" "open-minded" people (hence anti-Republican party). If you sense sarcasm, you are right.

Anyway, at the corner of 9 Mile and Woodward in the heart of downtown Ferndale, there are occasional war protesters. Not only do they hold signs of "Honk for Peace" and "Honk if you want our troops back." They also hold up signs of "Honk if you want Bush out" and the real old one of "Bush Lied, People Died" There would be a lot of cars that honked, and the citizens would raise their hands and wave their signs and banners in appreciation. And part of me would get fired up.

Freedom of speech does not bother me and I am all for it. I sport a "Support Our Troops and President Bush" sign in my front yard. I understand people disagree and have opposite politcal views. This is America and the reason America was formed was because in the "old country" you couldn't openly disagree with the government (or the church!).

But I started to notice that the days where the temperatures were down into the 20's and lower, there would be no protesters. The corner would be empty of people. What is up with that?! I let it fester and when the temps went back up, they showed up again. Banners flying and signs waving and cars honking. I was really getting fired up over this. I began thinking I could make my sign "Honk 4 Bush" or "Honk for a Liberated Iraq" and stand about 10 to 15 ft passed the protesters. This way, when the car tarvelling 35 mph passes them, and then honks, it would be just as they drove by me and my sign. At which time I would jump up and down and cheer them on for supporting me. I know they read my sign and realize what they just did, and I would laugh uncontrollably as I watched them tap their break or do the head jerk in disgust as they tried to look back in their mirrors and realize what they just did.

This was awesome I thought. Just to see the looks on all there faces and be that lonely voice out there. Who knows, maybe others would follow me and we could get our own little group going. I was going to do this one day. This was festering in me and boiling up and over.

Then I thought how ridiculous this was and how it sounded. What was it going to accomplish? What would I gain? What would anyone gain? What was the root of this? The fact they didn't protest in cold weather. I'm not going to either. I'll only be there when they are, and then not everytime. What is the difference? I actually do not like political activism in regards to protesting and walking around carrying signs and the such. It gets no where.

Apparently, sometimes, people just need to feel good about themselves. Convince themselves that they are doing something worthwhile. Everyone wants this feeling. As such, I am one of them. My politcal activism is reading up on current events, discussing this with family, friends, and co-workers. Sometimes posting this here. But I am growing more and more apathy towards politics. I still read Time magazine and the Wall Street Journal and watch the news. Still occasionally TiVo Meet the Press. But the need to go around publicizing my politics and broadcasting to people and discussing it with others is just going away.

But I still feel the need to do this sometimes

As such here are a couple articles and blog entries that I have found to be very good entries and I have enjoyed reading. They are in regards to: Iraq, Afghanistan, the recent US Port deal and some other politics. So if you have some time, I would encourage you to read them and decide for yourself.

Afterall, I need to feel like I stand for something and have political convictions and just feel good about myself.

Honk4 Bush

Honk if you want Bush Out

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