Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Free Verse 1 - Ephesians 4:1

The post to follow is hopefully one of many "short and sweet" walks through a Bible verse or Bible story that I would like to call 'Free Verse'. Peel layers off these stories and break them down. Get you thinking on a different subject. Get away from the "3 bullet points" method and look at the poetry, free verse as it is written. Break down specific verses word by word, comma, by comma. Disect expressions. I really have no intention to get into ancient translations or "when translated from Aramic into Engligh, it means...." discussions. Just what my experiences have been. Either on my own study and thought or through readings and messages I have heard. These have all been blessings to me and helped me through my life. I feel the desire to pass this onto you. In cases where it is due, after each post I will give the source that sparked the thought. Finally, I honestly look foward to hearing from many of you and learning even more from all of you. God Bless.


"I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called." (Ephesians 4:1 NKJV)

This verse is often used by us to state the fact that God has called us out of this world. Using in conjunction with Romans 12:1-2 we are called to God to not be conformed and to present ourselves a "holy, acceptable" sacrifice of our bodies to God. There is a way for all of us, as believers and Christians to go about our daily lives and do the things we do. To be an example and model of Jesus. To be truly Christian, which is "a little Christ."

But what if we have missed the mark on this verse? Afterall, how do we pump gas in 10 degree temperatures and let the whole world around us know we are a Christian? What can we do at the ATM machine that would let the person in the car behind us waiting know we are "little Christ's?" Wear t-shirts and put bumper stickers on our cars? How effective is that really? It seems that everyone has a bumper sticker telling something on their car. Many people (like myself, seems self-centered, I know, but I know there are others) cannot stand the loud, obnoxious t-shirts people seem to wear.

So, if we have missed the point, what is it? Peel a layer or two back and look at the whole verse. Look at how Paul starts this verse: "I, therefore, a prisoner..." He has been dubbed a prisoner by the world. But Paul puts the little qualifier at the end of the expression by saying, "of the Lord," So when we read the whole expression he says: "I, therefore, a prisoner of the Lord..." Paul has been called a prisoner by the world.

He states, a prisoner of the Lord!

Throughout all the Pauline epistles, letters, disseratations, and essays Paul stresses the fact that we are all free under Christ, no matter where or what we are in the world. Even if they call you a prisoner. Paul stated this freedom many times while being in prison himself. He wasn't tied down or held down by the world's chains, and cuffs, and qualifiers and monikers they can lay on you. So while he is a prisoner of this world by being a prisoner of the Lord he is actually, truly FREE.

Think of some of the other things the world can call you. The word list is endless. Expressions and concepts as well. Brutal, nasty statements. But these do not define us or make us who we are. Paul knew this first hand and more than anyone who may have ever lived outside of Jesus himself. So Paul, stating that he is a

(called by the world) prisoner

(called of God) of the Lord

beseechs us to walk worthy of the calling with which we were called. Paul sets us up by showing the paradox of the world's definition and God's definition. Shows us he understands it and then beseeches us to walk worthy of God's definition.

So, to me, it seem natual that after you realize that Christ has called you and defined you specifically that you have to walk worthy of this calling. Make it legit. Not to say it isn't already because once God said it, it was so. But to "walk the walk." You see it is easy to gloss over the fact that God has called us. But step back and re-read that.

"...the calling to which you were called."

God has called each and everyone of us. This calling is specific to all of us. It is a specific label he gives to you and it is a specific name he gives to me. I have mine and you have yours and they are spoken into our hearts by God. When you truly grasp this, truly meditate and open up your heart to this calling, God will speak it to you. When this happens, when your heart is laid open before God's throne and he speaks into it HIS calling, you will walk worthy of this calling. Walk worthy of the fact that God has directly spoken into you and given you a name that no one or no thing can take from you. This is your label. This is the real you.

Paul had been called something by God, and that defined him! God has called all of us something and that defines us. As such, we have to walk worthy of that calling. Honestly, how can you not walk worthy of the Almighy God's calling of your name into the core of your heart.

It can be mind boggling and earth shattering.


This message was preached by my pastor on Sunday 12/04/05. I do it no justice here with my drastic paraphrasing. I honestly heard God speak into my heart at the end of this message. I heard his calling and know what he has called me. The experience shook me to my core and I broke down in church. Not in the sadness that typically accompanies a "Baptist altar call." but in rejoicing and solidification of my relationship with God. I stayed in my pew, next to my wife and just wept. I couldn't even make it through the first verse of "How Great Thou Art." (the same song that means so much to my wife and I that we had the whole congregation sing this specific song at our wedding, I am sure the timeliness of all this was providential, I never give notion to coincidence). I am at a point right now where I cannot share the specific calling right now. The experience is too precious to me. I cannot even bring myself to tell Michele. But I truly believe if we open our hearts to God and ask him to speak into it, he will. He probably already has, we've just never tuned in.

Read Epehsians 4:1 again and reread it until it sinks in. Tune into God and he will speak to you.

God Bless

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